

At United Way Centraide, our staff and volunteers work every day to improve lives locally. We are always on the lookout for talented people who want to use their skills and expertise to do good in their community.

Opportunities at United Way Centraide Canada

Work at the national United Way Centraide office in Ottawa and help guide the work of United Way Centraide across the country.
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Opportunities at Local United Way Centraide Offices

Make a difference in the community where you live by applying to a local United Way Centraide.
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Working at United Way Centraide Canada

United Way Centraide Canada is committed to being a great employer. We provide a caring and engaging work environment, and strive to challenge and develop each staff member’s potential.

United Way Centraide Canada is an equal opportunity employer, and we encourage qualified candidates from diverse backgrounds to apply to join our team.
Generous paid vacation
Paid break between Christmas and New Year
Other paid leave options, including parental and volunteer leave
Summer hours
Registered Retirement Savings Plan, with matching contributions
Medical and dental benefits for you and your family
Sick leave and disability insurance
Life insurance

You can improve lives locally

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