
Building strong and healthy communities

We’re creating vibrant neighbourhoods and communities where everyone can experience a sense of belonging and connection.

The Challenge

The strength of a community is determined by the well-being of the people who live there. But right now, too many people across Canada lack access to the supports and resources they need to reach their full potential.

1 in 3
Canadians experiencing a mental health challenge are unable to access the support they need.
Canadian seniors are at risk of becoming socially isolated.
1 in 2
newcomers to Canada have difficulty finding a job and gaining stability.

Our Work

We help build stronger, healthier, and more vibrant communities by bringing together the expertise of local partners and people with lived experience and by strategically investing in programs, supports, and initiatives that improve lives locally.

Connection to Supports

We help people access and navigate the resources they need most in their communities, by expanding the 211 helpline, investing in local services to ensure they can be accessed barrier-free, removing barriers to accessing local services, and more.

Neighbourhood and Community Engagement

We encourage people to get involved in their communities and help everyone feel like they belong by promoting volunteerism and engaging people with lived experience in decision-making.

Personal Well-Being and Safety

We build stronger communities by helping people feel better equipped to handle life’s challenges, including through counselling, opportunities to build independent living skills, and more.
Our Impact

Thanks to our incredible community of members, partners, donors, and stakeholders, we’re building communities that everyone can be proud to live in.

Programs working to build strong and healthy communities
Investment in care for people living with physical and mental disabilities
Support to help seniors stay independent and connected to others
Resources aimed at mental health programs and crisis support

How Your Support Changed Seeta’s Life

A widow for over 30 years, Seeta was feeling lonely and isolated as she struggled with her health. Thanks to United Way Centraide, she found a local seniors’ yoga program that is helping her stay fit, connecting her with new friends, and lifting her spirits.
Read Seeta’s Story

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