
Statements on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Indigenous Collaboration

As community builders, we promise to work hard to ensure Canada becomes a truly equitable, safe, and inclusive space. Our statements on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Indigenous Collaboration lay the foundation for our efforts to build an inclusive future for everyone.
We are proud to partner with the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion as part of our commitment to advancing a more equitable world.

United Way Centraide Canada Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

United Way Centraide Canada is committed to building a more equitable future and to our vision of a country where everyone in every community has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

We will do this by:
  • Ensuring our people, the work we do, and how we do it reflects the diversity of our communities
  • Continuously learning and unlearning as individuals and organizations
  • Amplifying the voices of underrepresented people and co-creating equitable solutions
  • Working to dismantle discriminatory structures and systems within our movement and advocate for systemic change to build an inclusive Canada
We will demonstrate our commitment to this journey by creating and implementing a DEI strategy that is integrated into our strategic plan, and by committing resources to it.

United Way Centraide Canada Statement Opposing Racism

Recent events in Canada and around the world have exposed our society’s uncomfortable truth: racism is harming our communities. Systemic racism exists in our institutions, across all sectors, and has caused significant disparities with long-lasting impact, particularly for Black, Indigenous, People of Colour individuals and communities. These issues are not new nor easily resolved.

At United Way Centraide Canada, we condemn racism as it is unjust and wrong. As community builders, we must work harder to ensure Canada becomes a truly equitable, safe and inclusive place, particularly for Indigenous peoples and racialized communities.

We are taking steps to challenge our own ways of working and thinking. We are developing new strategies on both Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Indigenous Collaboration that will impact all areas of our work. This includes disaggregating data to inform our community investments, analyzing the demographic composition of our staff and volunteer leadership of the United Way Centraide Network, and creating an equity framework and toolkit for our members.

This work is a journey for us as individuals and as an organization. We recognize the time and resources it will require. We know it requires us to listen and learn. And we anticipate uncomfortable challenges along the way, which we will face head on.

We are committed to doing our part to build a more equitable future and to realize our vision of a country where everyone in every community has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

United Way Centraide Canada Commitment to Reconciliation between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Peoples

United Way Centraide Canada (UWCC) is committed to reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples.
As a national charity with deep local impact, we view reconciliation as an opportunity to honour Indigenous Peoples across this land and elevate our commitment to them. We will do this by
  • Listening to and learning from Indigenous members of our communities about Indigenous strengths and ways of knowing and being;
  • Reflecting on the relationship that we have had with Indigenous Peoples;
  • Collaborating with Indigenous communities and organizations whose objectives or work intersect with ours; and
  • Embracing Indigenous voices, leadership, and participation in all aspects of our organization and the United Way Centraide Movement.
We will demonstrate our commitment to this journey by creating an Indigenous engagement strategy that is grounded in our relationships with Indigenous communities and integrated into our strategic plan, and by committing resources to it.